Passionate about highly realistic gaming? Escape from Tarkov is the choice for you. You certainly need the right guide when you want to learn how to be better in the game. Of course, playing and playing, again and again, is not going to make any sense when it comes to improving your play style until you change the way you play. You should make your own sets of Escape from Tarkov Tips that work wonders for you. After all, it is not just about practice.
Escape from Tarkov is a little challenging, and you should begin by learning the strategies that will work. However, you just can’t be better without tutorials and useful hacks. Now, a lot of things might come to your mind. You may start ripping hairs on your head before you start playing. After all, you are a beginner. But, that does not mean that you should feel disappointed.
A Note to All Beginners
No doubt, beginners feel pretty unfriendly while playing Escape from Tarkov, especially when they don’t know the basics of playing it. If you are new to Escape from Tarkov, you find yourself no longer capable of playing it like a pro because many tips and tricks are out there that you should learn to stay on the battlefield for longer. Generally, beginners believe Escape from Travok is unfit for them if they are new to gaming. However, there is nothing like that. Instead of feeling like giving up, you should focus on some effective tips that help you be a pro player at the earliest opportunity.
Learn 9 Tips and Play Like a Pro
Getting control over your win is not at all easy. Don’t you worry, though; this is exactly where learning only 9 tips can help you play like a pro. To start well, have a look at the nine tips that will help beginners to play Escape from Tarvok smoothly before you link to the site.
1. Getting Comfortable with the Controls
This tip, especially for beginners, seems quite useful. You should be aware of how to use the WSAD control scheme with hotkeys. Focus on building special perception while shooting as the game is not for basic shooters. You should catch the ammo displayed on the screen and get comfortable with the controls. If you want to master the game, you should learn how to utilize a crouch. Apart from this, you should also look for some shortcut keys to save time, just like R for reloading, ALT+T to check ammo, TAB to access inventory, and hold C for crouching. Always remember that the more comfortable you are with the controls, the more chances you win. Therefore, use this tip and ensure to put it first in your strategies.
2. Use Offline Mode to Play
Isn’t it an obvious idea for beginners to play in offline mode? The offline mode comes with benefits and makes a world of difference to your play at Escape from Tarkov. Most players don’t know the benefit of using the offline features, which allow new players to try new weapons. Since nothing goes recorded when you play offline, you will learn how you can aim at scavs. You will not lose the game when you go back to the main menu, and you will also get a chance to shoot as many times as you want. It no denying that you will surely learn more about Escape from Tarkov if you choose to play in an offline mode.
3. Completing Tasks
At the start of each new wipe, all Tarkov players check the task tab. Completing tasks is effective if you want to level up a character in the game. Tasks will also assist in improving relationships with traders, which will unblock your access to items and weapons. Plus, every time new players log in, it will provide a goal to focus on and a sense of progress.
4. Leveling A Trader
In Tarkov, traders sell armor, meds, weapons, and other items. Traders will be set to level 1 at the beginning of the game. For more items and weapons, each player needs a good relationship with them. As said, if the player completes tasks for a trader, then the level boosts up instantly. Selling and buying goods to the trader will accord experience to the PMCs. If a gamer wants a particular weapon, research the items provided by the eight traders and proceed to the desired trader.
5. Health and Healing System
Tarkov has an ailment and a complex health system like other FPS games. For example, a player’s arm injury can affect his target. If the PMC has a broken leg, it must be fixed before the character can walk again.
As well as, gastrointestinal bleeding can cause dehydration. The player will die if the character’s head or chest health is zero. Gamers should keep radiation, energy, and hydration in mind as well. Newcomers should be aware of the essentials for survival in Tarkov without going into too much detail.
6. The Hideout
At the start of the game, you find the hideout as a tunnel with nothing in it. As PMCs proceed, they reset their hideouts and unlock areas as well. The hideout will be a resource pit and money until the upgrades are finished. With Lavatory’s permission, players can craft and sell useful items at the Flea Market. On the other hand, bitcoin frames on this platform can generate smart passive income.
7. Build the First Loadout
You are allowed to choose the loadout before you raid in the game. You should also focus on utilizing the storage container. The best thing is that no one can steal the items, and the items won’t display even if your player dies. You need to be ready with pistols and a full magazine for the first few raids. You should keep magazines inside the pant pockets or a vest pocket that you can utilize in fast reloads. Be sure to explore the flea market to score better gear at a good bargain. Don’t forget that you should have a sufficient supply of medkits and bandages while playing.
8. Extraction Point
Don’t forget to search the extraction point at the end of any raid. You may need to find a special key for some that exists while some are open within the level. If you have knowledge of existence, you will find it easy to run back into the raid, which in turn helps you to run and loot easily. Check different maps and keep yourself aware of escape routes to win the game easily. This way, extraction points will help you in Escape from Trakov, and don’t forget to include them in your winning strategies while playing.
9. Choose the Right Way to Loot
The most important tip here is to focus on collecting loot in a raid. Looting is vital when wanting to get better at Escape from Travok. Looting is indeed the best way to acquire better weapons. Since other players and local scavs make it difficult to accomplish your task, this is why you should always look forward to collecting loots. While collecting loots, don’t underestimate your enemies. They can attack you when you are unaware of their positions and may kill your player. This is why you should remain alert and avoid staying in one place for longer. This tip will help not only the beginners but also the pro players. Make sure to walk in an open space only where no your enemies are closer. This way, you will surely make the most out of this hack.
You just can’t ignore that Escape from Tarkov is a bit challenging, especially for those new to it. However, it does not mean you can play well and improve your gaming style to win. Since playing a game over and over again never makes sense, you should think about playing it like a pro. You can easily increase your chances of winning by changing how you play. Strategizing your play will work for you and help you make the most of your efforts. For all newbies out there, using the tips mentioned above seems a perfect way to improve their chances of success.
Even if you are new to the world of gaming, you should consider using the best tips and tricks to make the most out of your gaming experience. For a well-earned experience, don’t forget to follow the tips mentioned above and improve your skills to be a pro player in Escape from Trakov. Playing this game with friends will entertain you and build a strong connection between the teammates. With no tutorials, getting better at Escape from Trakov is not at all a tiresome job. You can do it easily by following this guide. It includes simple yet useful tips. When it comes to playing smoothly, switch to this handy guide and get success in the game.
By Andrej Kovacevic
Updated on 16th August 2022