Currently, Nintendo President Reggie Fils-Aime states that its primary target goal area remains to accommodate that largest sum of video game fans that it possibly can. With a fanbase made up of lifelong fans cultivated throughout generations of enduring intellectual properties, Fils-Aime has expressed a sense of great obligation to continue aiming to provide strong titles in the franchises that Nintendo’s fans love while remaining open to new fans as well.
What Fils-Aime did not state was Nintendo’s current primary goal, however, is the aim to buckle down on projects aimed at 4K titles. Though gamers with a great amount of interest in Nintendo’s potential 4K showing have been quite vocal about their hopes, Fils-Aime states that he’s not entirely convinced that 4K enthusiasts fit within the framework of the buyer persona that Nintendo’s goals align with.
The mainstream audience, Fils-Aime asserts, is where Nintendo remains fully invested in putting forth its full effort. Not only does the video game industry giant aim to continue a primarily mainstream-oriented approach, Fils-Aime asserts, but it also aims to optimize the affordability of its titles as well.
Presumably, a more invested approach to making its titles accommodatingly affordable could expand the reach of its titles to a greater number of consumers who may have otherwise been hesitant to spend as much money on video gaming in general.
In addition to mainstream appeal and affordability, Fils-Aime stated that the trait that completes the trio of objectives that Nintendo is currently invested in the most is casual gamer-friendliness.
Alongside the drive to make games more monetarily accommodating to attain, Fils-Aime shared the company’s initiative to lower the learning curve of its titles to make its games easier for plasters to “pick up and experience”.
Mainstream appeal, affordability and easiness to pick up and play: these are the three core objectives that Nintendo currently stands to pursue in the production of its upcoming titles.
In the push to make games more appealing to a wider spread of consumers, easier to buy and less daunting to play, Fils-Aime states the hope that Nintendo will be able to imprint on a greater number of consumers and induct more franchise followers than ever before.
Reflecting this initiative for higher affordability is the price for the Nintendo Switch, which Fils-Aime describes as a “sweet spot” at about £230. The 4K audience, Fils-Aime states, just isn’t the right size to meet the kind of wide-spreading appeal that Nintendo currently aims for.
By Andrej Kovacevic
Updated on 4th February 2020