A Nintendo Switch Lite OLED mod has been under development for a few months, and just a few hours ago, we got the first glimpse of it, revealing how much of an improvement it offers over the standard Lite model’s screen.
The first in-depth look at the OLED mod for the handheld-only model of the current Nintendo console comes from a video shared by the mod’s creator, Taki Udon. In this video, Taki Udon showcases the OLED screen with the game Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, comparing it side-by-side with a regular Switch Lite and the Switch OLED. Utilizing the same Vivid profile as the regular OLED model, the colors on the modded Lite look significantly more saturated and vibrant than those on the standard Lite, resulting in a much-improved visual experience.
Historically, an OLED screen has been considered the superior choice for display technology, as demonstrated by various systems. However, not all manufacturers opt for OLED, particularly for a system’s initial version. The Nintendo Switch Lite, having received no hardware updates since its release, is among those systems that have remained with an LCD screen. With the console nearing the end of its product cycle, the only option for users seeking a better display experience is to opt for this mod.
It is hoped that Nintendo’s next system will feature an OLED screen from the beginning. However, given the conflicting information currently available, it is difficult to predict whether this will be the case.
Adding to the excitement, this OLED mod significantly enhances the gaming experience on the Nintendo Switch Lite, making games appear more vivid and engaging. For those who spend a considerable amount of time playing handheld games, this mod could be a game-changer, providing a much-needed upgrade to the visual quality of the device.
In conclusion, while the Nintendo Switch Lite OLED mod is not an official upgrade from Nintendo, it represents a substantial improvement over the standard Lite model. Gamers looking for a better handheld experience should consider this mod as a viable option to enhance their gaming sessions.
By Andrej Kovacevic
Updated on 12th July 2024