Video gaming might be called a leisure activity, and its purpose might be just fun. But it teaches one a lot of things along the way. From better communication to better coordination, better reflexes to improved concentration, gaming can benefit you in ways that can also help you in the real world.
And one of the best ways to learn video gaming skills is to check out tips from reputed gaming websites. But how do you know if a site is trustworthy? It’s always good to check its reviews. Here is an honest battle log review; you can also do a simple Google search for more reviews.
Once you’re done checking reviews, hop on to those sites for amazing video game tips. And read some tips below too to become a pro quickly!
Stay Alert
One of the basic things when playing video games is staying alert. Whether you are playing strategic games or one on one battle games, you must always stay alert. Doing this will help you counter your enemy or observe his moves to land the first attack. You must be sharp at your gameplay if you want to bag that win.
Although most games will require your observation skills and ask for your attention, there are many based on pure fate. In such situations, instead of taking the load, you must take breaks as well and get some food or drinks in between games. Remember, these games don’t require as much attention as others.
Choose the Games You Are Ardent About
If you really enjoy the game, it is very easy to put in the hours it takes to become a professional player in a specific game. You may turn your attention to games because either game provides cash prizes in competitions or are popular among your acquaintances. But becoming a skilled player will be difficult if you don’t have a specific goal.
Keep the following questions in mind to improve yourself in gaming:
- Do I play professionally or for fun?
- Am I going to stream the game online?
- What would I rate this game out of 10?
Make a Timetable for Gaming
Today everyone is engaged in a busy life, which depends on the ideal schedule made for daily work. If you want to see yourself as an advanced gamer, create a schedule that enables you to practice daily and improve your gaming skills. Create a schedule based on the estimated time it will take you to reach the competency level you want to achieve.
Don’t put all of your time into a schedule; keep in mind schoolwork and daily life responsibilities as well.
Set Goals
Goals drive you to your destination when you decide to become a better gamer. Undoubtedly, pursuing long-term and lofty goals is easy, but always include short-term goals to measure your potential. Take short-term goals as stepping stones that will lead you to greater heights.
The first step is to assess your current performance level, which will give you a clear idea of how much effort is required to achieve the goal.
Watch the Pros
One of the best things you can do when not playing is observing players better than yourself. Observing their gameplay will definitely benefit you. Note down their tactics and strategies and apply them to your own gameplay. This way, gradually, you’ll move towards reaching their level.
Playing randomly without any observations or learning won’t benefit your gameplay. You might have fun learning on your own, but your gameplay will subconsciously improve by only watching the pros.
Analyze Replays
Watching your gameplay in the form of replays and analyzing your moves will help you make them better and know your flaws. You’ll also know your strengths and weaknesses and then strategize on the type of gameplay to opt for the next time you play. Watching replays also helps you get reviews from people who watch them. You can approach a pro player to review your gameplay and help you get higher up in the leagues.
You may also study reviews of famous replays to know more about the latest strategies and tactics. Always keep yourself updated with the latest strategies to stay one step ahead of your opponent. This will ensure that you know his moves before he can apply those strategies in his gameplay.
Compete for More
One of the best ways to test your gameplay is by competing against others in tournaments or other competitions. This will help you know if your strategies work on the opponents. Also, playing against stronger opponents will help you raise your league and get better.
Another benefit of playing in competitions and tournaments is that you are able to see the strengths and weaknesses of your team or yourself and how you perform under pressure. Generally, players playing very well casually struggle to survive in league matches as the pressure of losing is high.
Play in Teams
Most multiplayer games generally give you an option to play solo. Whether it is a battle royale format or a simple strategy, you must always try to play in teams. This improves your coordination with the team and benefits you during league tournaments. Playing as a team also ensures that people have your back and you’re not being drained out alone.
The team plays also improve the overall gameplay as roles are divided, and your teammates are there to cover you during combat situations. Playing as a team with coordination also increases your team’s value.
Mentor a Player From a Lower League
Whether in the world of video gaming or not, mentoring can always teach you something in return. Mentoring a friend or a random person will help you memorize strategies that you teach to him/her.
As an added benefit, it will act as a review of your skills and gameplay. So if your prodigy benefits from your mentorship, you’ll know that your gameplay is effective. And you can go on to improve yourself with better strategies from there.
Play With Random Players
If you play with random players, it sure has its own set of benefits. For example, assume that your team has been saturated and reached its potential. Under these circumstances, playing with random players benefits your gameplay.
Sometimes, you might get players that are stronger than you and sometimes those that are weaker than you. It creates a perfect balance for your practice. Playing alongside stronger players helps you observe their gameplay and learn from it. At the same time, playing with weaker players makes you important in that game, and the added pressure can act to your advantage.
Send Your Weaker Units to Attack the Stronger Enemy Units ( And Vice Versa )
This is one strategy that you will have to test with different units. Sending your weaker units to the stronger opponent units in greater numbers helps you win in the situation. This works in strategic gameplays where you are managing the troops.
Following this ensures you have stronger troops reserved for other purposes. Also, weaker troops take less time to regenerate; hence, you’ll be able to send more troops while the enemy is spawning stronger troops at a much slower rate. The same is true with the opposite. If the enemy is attacking with weaker troops, but in large numbers, then instead of sending many small troops, send one strong troop to handle them.
Be Strong
People know their goal will not be achieved overnight when they decide to become the best at something. So to become a better gamer, it is essential to accept the ups and downs of the process patiently.
If you use a “play to improve” mentality, your biggest losses will be your wins because you can learn and improve from your game in the future. Being strong will help you in the time it takes you to enhance and gauge your progress along the way.
These tips and tricks for performing your best and winning in video gaming. These will help you in any type of game, whether strategic or combat. Follow these tips to enhance your gameplay. Try to keep your gaming space healthy and airy for the best experience. And comment down below your favorite video game tips too!
By Andrej Kovacevic
Updated on 16th August 2022