The heavy bolt gun in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 only holds eight rounds. In the grand scale of the game, this might seem insignificant. You’ll frequently face hordes of alien enemies and Chaos-fueled demons that outnumber you many times over, but for most foes, just one rocket-propelled shot is enough to reduce them to a pile of bloody remains. In a twisted sense, they’re the lucky ones – the most gruesome fates await those who get too close to supersoldier protagonist Titus, who seems to take a special delight in decapitating, dismembering, and using body parts to finish off enemies.
Space Marine 2 indulges in this violence – every second of gameplay is filled with brutal action across vast, beautifully chaotic battlefields. Developer Saber Interactive has created an over-the-top hack ‘n’ slash shooter that exceeds expectations. While seasoned Warhammer fans may expect this level of intensity, newcomers will be treated to an immersive and thrilling introduction to the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40,000.
Though more than a decade has passed since the original Space Marine game launched, within the game’s timeline, over a century has passed for the returning hero, Demetrian Titus. Accused of heresy at the end of the first game, Titus has spent the last 100 years exiled from his Space Marine Chapter and now fights with the elite xeno-hunting Deathwatch. When the insectoid, Tyranids descend upon a system of planets protecting a secret Imperium research project, Titus is called back to his Chapter to take charge once again.
However, not everything is smooth. Titus’s new squadmates, Gadriel and Chairon, harbor doubts about his long absence, and Titus himself is distant and aloof. While these tensions could offer deeper character exploration, they remain largely underdeveloped, leaving the narrative feeling somewhat thin. Most of the dialogue revolves around repetition of phrases like “brother,” and the story serves more as a vehicle to carry players from one intense battle to the next.
Unmatched Combat and Chaos

Thankfully, it’s the battles that shine the brightest in Space Marine 2. Saber Interactive’s experience with crowd-based combat, as seen in their 2019 World War Z game, is evident here. Waves of Tyranids rush toward you, forming towering piles of bodies to overcome obstacles. Watching hundreds of these enemies charge is mesmerizing – but there’s little time to admire the sight. You’ll need to thin the ranks with bolter fire, grenades, or plasma shots before being overwhelmed.
Combat shifts seamlessly between ranged and melee. Once the distance closes, you’ll engage in vicious hand-to-hand combat. There’s no cover system in the game, meaning that your best defense is a strong offense. The more damage you deal, the more health you recover. Finishing weakened enemies with brutal execution animations also replenishes your armor. Every encounter feels like a life-or-death struggle, yet Titus remains the most formidable warrior on the battlefield. A single swing of his chainsword can decimate rows of enemies, and parrying enemy attacks can lead to instant kills with satisfying execution moves.
However, as you approach the end of the game, the formula slightly falters. You encounter fewer enemy hordes and face more powerful individual enemies, resulting in longer-range firefights. While gunplay alone is competent, the game’s strength lies in the fluid mix of ranged and melee combat. When that balance is maintained, Space Marine 2 delivers thrilling, fast-paced action unlike any other.
Massive Scope and Immersive Settings

One of the game’s most impressive aspects is its sense of scale. Whether you’re battling through the overgrown jungles of Kadaku, the sprawling gothic architecture of Avarax, or the war-torn landscapes of Demerium, the environments feel grand and immersive. Each setting brings unique visual spectacles, from massive space battles in the skies to intense ground skirmishes between Space Marines and their Chaos counterparts. These vast settings reinforce the feeling that you’re part of an epic, interplanetary war.
Beyond the campaign, Space Marine 2 offers Operations mode, featuring six missions that run parallel to the main story. Designed for up to three players in co-op, Operations feel almost necessary to enjoy this mode fully. While the AI companions perform adequately on lower difficulties, they can be frustratingly ineffective on higher levels. Operations are more challenging than the campaign, with limited ammo and health supplies, and require strategy and teamwork to overcome coordinated enemy waves. Each mission offers rewards in the form of XP and currency, which can be spent on upgrading armor, weapons, and unlocking class perks.
A Monument to Excess

While Space Marine 2 also offers PvP modes through Eternal War, including 6v6 matches, it’s hard to imagine anything surpassing the PvE experience. This game thrives on its over-the-top action, delivering an adrenaline-fueled, chaotic shooter that stays true to the Warhammer universe. With motorized chainswords, towering supersoldiers, and relentless enemies, Space Marine 2 is a testament to why Warhammer games continue to captivate fans.
By Andrej Kovacevic
Updated on 4th September 2024