Secure and Anonymous: Best Software for Privacy and Safety in 2022

2018 has come and gone with yet another batch of alarming reports of security breaches, data leaks, and virus mutations that should leave the average PC user concerned for their devices and safety. Staying ahead of personal data before it…

How to Turn Your Smartphone into a Professional Camera

True, new and better smartphones are released yearly by tech giants such as Apple, Samsung, and Google. However, even with a few extra megapixels, what does it take to turn your smartphone into a professional camera that will ensure you…

VPN Tutorial: A Complete Virtual Private Network (VPN) Guide

In this tutorial, we’ll go over what virtual private network (VPN) is, why it’s essential to use one, and how to correctly set it up.

The Big Announcements from the Google Pixel 3 Event

Google’s annual fall hardware event took place last week (Oct 9th) in New York, with the company unveiling its new phone and some intriguing new devices. Here’s the big news from the day.

Apps That Help from Dusk to Dawn

The significance of mobile device in our day to day life and activities is definitely endless. This is so because mobile phones are no longer the ordinary communication device it used to be. It has become the unexpected point of…

Are Self-Healing Smartphones in Our Future?

Self-healing is something we tend to take for granted, after all, our bodies do it every day. If you run into your roommate’s grumpy cat and end up with a big scratch across your arm, it’s not the end of the world, as your skin will simply heal away as if it never existed over the next few days. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the screens on our phones could do the same?

Facebook Dating Launches with Trial in Columbia

Just four months after the news that Facebook will add dating features to its popular social media platform, the first trial has gone live in Columbia. Dubbed Facebook Dating, the feature will integrate popular dating site techniques from other sites…

Time To Get Smart? Decking Out Your Home Office With Smart Tech

Wherever you turn, the term “smart tech” is ubiquitous with every aspect of modern life. When we are setting up a gaming environment for us to see us through an anti-social weekend, or we’re working in a home office, setting…

Huawei’s Insistence on Freezing Background Apps Leads to VLC Ban

There are many reasons to freeze background processes from running on a mobile device. Still, Huawei’s habit of doing so without consumer consent has finally landed them in hot water. Implemented as a solution to reduce battery life in mobile…

Microsoft Andromeda May Not Arrive This Year

At the moment the Andromeda project is looking like a candidate for a 2019 release bordering on 2020, but there are plenty of surprises Microsoft may have in store for the mobile market.

Unwinding the Mystery of Google’s Fuchsia OS

It’s time to learn to multitask and look into exactly what Google Fuchsia holds for the future and what it could mean for the tech giant that never sleeps.

2018’s Most Exciting Smartphone Developments and Releases

It’s almost time to start looking into what phones you should be excited about in the next few months.

Tech Rumours: Google Working on Home Assistant with Touchscreen

Google is thought to be planning the release of a strong competitor for Amazon’s home assistants with a screen.

Google’s Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL – The Ultimate Challenge for Apple

Google has launched its brand new smartphones, Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL and they are going to be a boom in the tech industry.