Samsung Tease the Release of a Foldable Phone

The concept of a foldable phone sounds more like a prop from a futuristic television show we’d binge-watch on Netflix, yet here we are in September 2018 with the news that Samsung are highly likely to unveil their foldable tech…

The Most Anticipated Game of 2018: Everything We Know About Spider-Man

Whether it’s movies, graphic novels, or television shows – there is no denying the worldwide appeal of the superhero genre. Loved by both adults and children alike, our love of superheroes transforms our imaginations into universes where the impossible happens…

VPN Realities in the Wake of Net Neutrality

In a world where the U.N. has declared internet access a basic human right, why are so many companies being given unrestricted power over how they present it to customers?

Tech Heroes: Innovation for the Modern Era

For every story of an entrepreneur finding success after hardship, there are dozens of stories of bright young hopefuls who met failure and were dissuaded from pursuing their dreams.