Don’t miss out on the newest products, announcements from tech giants, and thought-provoking debates happening in the industry. TechLoot got them all here so you can stay informed at all times.
When Will We All Get 5G?
Meet the TV That Will Invite Its Viewers to Sue It
Are Self-Healing Smartphones in Our Future?
Facebook Dating Launches with Trial in Columbia
Time To Get Smart? Decking Out Your Home Office With Smart Tech
Wherever you turn, the term “smart tech” is ubiquitous with every aspect of modern life. When we are setting up a gaming environment for us to see us through an anti-social weekend, or we’re working in a home office, setting up our home office with various smart tech can feel a little bit like the…
UK Start-up Plans to Launch ‘Air Taxi’ Service by 2022
For most of us, when we think of a flying car, we’re most likely to think of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or Blade Runner than actual reality. After all, we couldn’t possibly be close to that sort of technology, could we? Well actually, it appears that flying cars might be hitting our skies far sooner…
How Simulators Elevate Human Performance
It’s been said by many philosophers and maybe modern technology is proving them right. The saying of ‘our bodies are merely vessels for the mind’ seems to be accurate the more advanced we become as a civilisation. We know that diets have changed that help our bodies to be heavier, taller, leaner yet faster and…
Chasing Thinner Laptops Has Ruined Portable Performance
Every company has its points of guilt when it comes to cutting design corners in favour of boosting specific attributes of their products. After all, Apple wouldn’t be nearly as well-known as it was if they weren’t able to produce thin, aesthetically attractive laptops that specifically target the high-end consumer market. Unfortunately, we’re reaching a…
Overlooked Tech Costs Associated With Running a Business
There is no denying that financial management is one of the most critical elements of running a business. If you do not get this part of your company right, you may be left with no business at all. When you consider how technology has changed the business landscape and how much of an influence it…
Huawei’s Insistence on Freezing Background Apps Leads to VLC Ban
There are many reasons to freeze background processes from running on a mobile device. Still, Huawei’s habit of doing so without consumer consent has finally landed them in hot water. Implemented as a solution to reduce battery life in mobile devices due to rogue apps often using background resources unnecessarily. Huawei’s modern phones automatically pull…
Alberta Scientists Produce Most Data Dense Hard Drive in the World
In a step towards miniaturisation in the best kind of way, scientists at the University of Alberta, Canada have made strides towards increasing our current capability for data storage at a scale previously unimaginable. As hardware design trends continue to move towards smaller and more energy-efficient devices, this step could pave the way for exciting…
Starting a Business? Consider These Essential Technology Investments
When people decide that they will become entrepreneurs and start something that will provide them with an income for life, they are often neglecting the technology that can make or break a company. Thanks to the recent developments in information and communication tools, apps, and marketing suites, it is easier to start off alone than…
The Big Changes Big Data Is Making To Recruitment
Business owners have to deal with lots of jargon in their everyday lives. One piece of terminology which has grown in popularity in the past five years is “big data.” This is a reference to the information companies can collect, the kind which gives them an insight into their customers’ minds. With the right data,…
Modern Technology Has Changed How Businesses Work Today…But Is It Always a Good Thing?
In today’s society, it’s hard to imagine running any business without the basics of technology. And by basic, we mean such things as computer systems, including the advantages of a wifi connection, with the means to utilise email and social media channels. If a business is still reliant on typewriters and fax machines, then they…