How to Secure Electronic Payments on Your Mobile Device

Learn the security steps you can implement now to protect your mobile device and the electric payments you make with Apple Pay, Venmo, and more.

How to Open up Netflix Content from Other Countries

With so much content in its library, Netflix can entertain you for hours. But how you can get access to the content from other countries? It’s easy.

Is Your Smartphone Safe? See Why Antivirus Software Is a Must

If you’ve been using the Internet for as little as a year, you’re well aware of the threat of viruses, malware, spyware, and other nasty little programs designed to steal your data, delete your files, or wreak havoc on your…

When Will We All Get 5G?

If you thought 4G signal was fast, then you better get ready for 5G, a connection so fast it’s been likened to having fibre internet on our phones. And you may be getting it far quicker than you might think.…

What Can You Expect From the Apple Event?

For technology and gadget fans, an Apple event is like Christmas. However, the rumors surrounding the event, happening this September 12th, suggest that the Apple equivalent of Santa Claus appears to have more than just iPhone presents to share with…

A Comprehensive iPhone X Review That Helps You Decide Whether to Buy One

iPhone X is the latest smartphone creation of Apple, a brand that has consistently provided us with wonderful and powerful phone options that almost always never disappoint.

Google’s Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL – The Ultimate Challenge for Apple

Google has launched its brand new smartphones, Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL and they are going to be a boom in the tech industry.

Total Makeover: iPhone 8 Expected to Have a New Design

Its closest rivals have already released their latest flagship smartphones – Samsung Galaxy S8 and LG G6. The stakes have risen, and consumers eagerly await what Apple will release. According to leaked reports and images, fans of the iPhone brand…